Rebecca Arnoldi Rebecca Arnoldi

Creativity, Mindfulness and Tree Flowers

As spring melts into summer, I love watching the conversation between plants and insects. It plays out in a change in color of flowers before and after pollination. 

I led a Creative Botany workshop at Polly Hill Arboretum on Martha’s Vineyard.  We were exploring tree flowers creatively with pencil and paintbrush. When we shared discoveries, one student pointed out different colored flowers on one tree. We all shared the excitement of the discovery!

If you’d like to see trees more deeply through art and connect with trees through mindfulness, I am leading a 2-hour outdoor workshop, Being with Trees Creatively,  on June 27th in Brookline. 

For this workshop space is very limited and ONLY 7 spaces are still available! 

This workshop integrates a few gentle stretches, a bit of forest bathing, and a creative exploration (drawing and/or watercolor -your choice) I hope you might join us!

Happy Summer!


DBA BEBodyEarth

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The Connection Between Trees and Mindfulness

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